Tuesday, December 7, 2010

wrapping things up

With less than two weeks left, I am continually excited for my return to the wonderful state of Iowa.  It has been such a good semester of learning about the world, its people, and myself.  God has been so faithful in directing my steps! 

I don't know what the weather is like in Iowa, but here it is jacket weather.  I can't even imagine the frigid air I will face when stepping out of the airport in Minneapolis on the 18th.  I will enjoy every last bit of this nice weather!

Currently I'm sitting in a little coffee shop next to our studio.  Every wall is covered with books.  Colorful books.  Kids books.  French books.  Italian books.  Even English books!  We've enjoyed some capuccino and hot chocolate and a plate of interesting bruscetta.  We didn't really like the tuna paste. 

Today has been so relaxing and productive.  This is the best kind!  This morning we went on a refreshing jog to the top of Jericulum Hill.  There was leaf throwing and grapefruit picking.  The latter might have been considered unlawful.  We made french toast for lunch and ate Nutella on top...yum yum for chocolatey goodness!  Since then we've been working our pituties off to get our projects done. 

I hope this message finds you enjoying your time.  Take a few minutes and throw some leaves...or snow.  I am excited to see you all very soon!