Saturday, August 14, 2010

Welcome to my home!

Yesterday I received my housing information!  Google maps estimates that a walk from my home (B) to the studio (A) will take an average of 28 minutes...a wonderful morning stroll I think. 

I will be living with six other wonderful ladies from interior and graphic design.  We have two triple bedrooms and a single.  We have a home!

So, if you are inclined to visit, you know where I live....just a hop, skip and a jump away!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

new beginnings

Woot woot!  I'm getting so excited....22 days left before the plane takes off!  With butterflies in my stomach, I daydream about all the adventures that will take place.  There will also be some work to do, sketches to sketch, and concepts to ponder over.  I hope you will enjoy this time with me.  I expect to learn very much about myself, my faith, and of course, Italy. 

A dopo!  
